• C/ Valle Inclán, 3 Entr. Ofic. 7, 32004 Ourense
  • 988 205 611 (mañanas: 10:00-12:00) - Móvil:669826223
  • Julio,Agosto y Septiembre :cerrado

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Inglés para ti

  • 2021
    Cambridge Assessment English.Part of the University of Cambridge, deliver qualifications and tests in over 130 countries to over 5.5 million people every year.
  • 91%
    of our students have got a prestigious jobs .
  • 35%
    of our students have already established a successful business.

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What Clients Say

Don't take our word for it, see what our awesome clients say.

I chose them because it gave me flexibility. I was working full-time at the same time I was studying English. Thank you for being an inspirer, and empowerer and an engager. Thank you for your patience and your drillings.

Ourense, Spain

I chose them because it gave me flexibility. I was working full-time at the same time I was studying, so the OU gave me that flexibility. Also my Dad, I’m Danish of origin.

Priya E. Abraham
Paris, France

I chose them because it gave me flexibility. I was working full-time at the same time I was studying, so the OU gave me that flexibility. Also my Dad, I’m Danish of origin.

Priya E. Abraham
Paris, France

After completing the MBA study, I had the opportunity to join one of the leading business schools in the UK in the role of faculty member and senior consultant. I suppose without the MBA it would have been difficult to make that career step. The biggest challenge in studying with them.

Priya E. Abraham
Paris, France

Nuestra historia

  • C2 Proficiency was originally introduced in 1913
  • B2 First was originally offered in 1939 and is a qualification at upper-intermediate level.
  • C1 Advanced was originally offered in 1991 and is a high-level qualification
  • CEFR ( Common European Framework of Reference- Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas ) is an international standard for describing language ability.
  • Released the Arctic Collection the Perennial Collection of handknotted luxury area rugs.
  • B2 First was originally offered in 1939 and is a qualifcation at upper-intermediate level.
  • Released the Arctic Collection the Perennial Collection of handknotted luxury area rugs.
  • Released the Arctic Collection the Perennial Collection of handknotted luxury area rugs.

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